KISS Architects

KISS Architects is a Melbourne & Ballarat based contemporary architecture and interior design practice working throughout Victoria on residential new builds, extensions and mixed-use developments.

Our approach is grounded in sustainability, innovation, and a commitment to quality. We strive to create spaces that are not just aesthetically pleasing but also functional and environmentally conscious. Our designs are full of natural daylight, textural quality and elements of fun. We thrive on crafting spaces that are more than just brick and mortar; they are expressions of your lifestyle, aspirations, and individuality.

Join us on a journey where architecture is more than just a profession; it’s an art form, a way of life, and an endeavor to make your living or working spaces more functional, enjoyable and meaningful.

KISS Architects Melbourne Ballarat
Directors, Nicholas Kissane and Tanya Murray, are passionate about quality affordable design and working collaboratively with clients to create spaces that resonate with your soul.

At KISS Architects, our design philosophy is deeply rooted in three core principles: sustainability, innovation, and unwavering commitment to quality. These principles serve as the guiding stars for every project we undertake, whether it’s a residential new build, an extension, or a dynamic mixed-use development.

KISS Architects Commitment to Sustainability, Innovation & Quality:


Our dedication to sustainability goes beyond mere buzzwords; in essence it’s a fundamental ethos that informs every decision we make. We understand that architecture has a lasting impact on the environment, and it’s our responsibility to minimize that impact. Our studio is well-versed in sustainable design practice, from energy-efficient building materials to passive design strategies that harness the power of nature to reduce energy consumption. When you choose KISS Architects, you’re not just investing in a beautiful space; you’re investing in a sustainable future.


Our team constantly seeks new and creative solutions to design challenges, pushing the boundaries of what’s possible. It’s in the details, the unexpected elements, and the unique touches that set our designs apart. Whether it’s incorporating cutting-edge technology or reimagining traditional architectural styles, we infuse innovation into every aspect of our work. Overall, we believe that great design is about pushing boundaries, and we take that commitment seriously.


Quality is our cornerstone, and it permeates every phase of our projects. From the initial concept to the final construction, we maintain the highest standards of craftsmanship and attention to detail. The result? Spaces that not only meet but also exceed your expectations and stand the test of time.

Aesthetics and Experience:

Our designs are more than just structures; they are expressions of your lifestyle, dreams, and individuality. We believe that your living or working space should be a reflection of you, a place where you feel truly at home. Natural light and rich textures are the tools we use to craft environments that engage the senses and evoke emotions. When you step into a space designed by KISS Architects, you’ll immediately sense the warmth, comfort, and character that make it uniquely yours. Join us, and let’s realise your architectural dreams.

Contact KISS Architects to discuss your next project

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